(keitai-l) I-mode Java downloads <10k?!

From: Simen Svale Skogsrud <simen_at_triggerduck.com>
Date: 10/06/00
Message-ID: <B059671903C6D211A0D500C0F0301C793A4FA5@kubrick.mop.no>

I heard rumors that the maximum downloadable midlet on the DoCoMo phones
will be little over 10k. Do you know if this rumor has any basis in reality,
and if there are other rumors on how the first wave of I-mode/Java phones
will be?

Simen Svale Skogsrud

  Triggerduck . Simen Svale Skogsrud . Game Designer _(^<
  www.triggerduck.com  mailto:simen@triggerduck.com  \__)
  desk:+47 22992735 mob:+47 90779024 switch:+47 22206420
Received on Fri Oct 6 16:31:32 2000