(keitai-l) Re: Java to Open Up Possibilities for Mobile Pho

From: Eric Hildum <Eric_Hildum_at_itochu.net>
Date: 09/26/00
Message-ID: <B5F62927.161B%Eric_Hildum@itochu.net>
I think you are confusing the Just In Time compilation technology used to
convert heavily used routines to faster executing forms with the initial
compilation from source to byte code. Since the program is executing during
the JIT compilation phase, there is no delay for the user.

Further, if instead of using a KVM, the processor is designed to execute
byte code directly, then the byte code is the native format and there will
be no penalty for byte code execution at all. (Though in truth the current
VMs plus JIT compilers are already fast enough for most real applications.)

Eric Hildum
Director, CTC Business Unit
Itochu Technology Inc.
3100 Patrick Henry Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1850 USA
Tel: +1-408-653-2818
Fax: +1-408-727-4619

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> From: Zimran Ahmed <zimran@creativegood.com>
> Reply-To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
> Date: Mon, 25 Sep 00 23:40:46 -0700
> To: <keitai-l@appelsiini.net>
> Subject: (keitai-l) Re: Java to Open Up Possibilities for Mobile Pho
>> Anyone know where this is?
>> "At the end of August the company (NTT) made its application programming
>> interface and development tools publicly available to content providers
>> interested in developing Java applets for the phones. "
>> What happened to the "write once, run anywhere" concept of Java?
>> "In order to create its Java environment, NTT DoCoMo has chosen to use K
>> virtual machine and connected limited device configuration technology
>> developed by Sun Microsystems. However, NTT DoCoMo has altered the
>> "profile" API set that controls the CLDC to suit its own specifications.
>> What that means is that it is very likely that Java applets developed for
>> i-mode phones will be unable to run on the EZweb or J-Sky phones marketed
>> by competing companies."
> a good question, but i think it's all pretty moot. I don't think Java will add
> much value to wireless, and say as much in a whitepaper i wrote recently
> (download for free here: http://www.creativegood.com/wireless)
> here's the quote:
>> Q:Does it make sense to run Java on a wireless device?
>> A:No.Software written in Java is compiled when the program runs,which
>> means that the customer must wait extra time for the software to start
>> running.Inch-scale devices,as described above,have small memories and weak
>> processors.This makes them particularly unsuitable for any activity that
>> requires lots of memory and processor cycles ― such as compiling and
>> running Java while the user waits.
>> Despite this,there ’s plenty of
>> wireless Java development going on.Sun has released and continues to
>> develop its Java 2 Platform,Micro Edition,designed for consumer and
>> embedded electronics such as phones and PDAs (see
>> http://www.java.sun.com/j2me ,but unless it runs as quickly as existing
>> application platforms,it will create a slow and therefore frustrating
>> customer experience.
> apparantly, C|Net seems to agree. just out this morning
>>>> Java has no future on cell phones (CNET) -- "Java belongs on back-end
>>>> servers, not on cell phones and today's personal digital assistants
>>>> (PDAs), which lack the processing power and memory requirements to handle
>>>> Java's large overhead. Even if someone built a cell phone with a 200-MHz
>>>> processor, cellular phones do not have the bandwidth to download huge Java
>>>> applets." (Comments: I didn't know that Java was even being considered for
>>>> use in cell phones.)
>>>>>> http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-2816353.html
> i may write something on Creative Good's newsletter: www.goodexperience.com on
> this in the coming week. keep your eye out if you are interested.
> all the best,
> zimran ahmed
> zimran@creativegood.com
> Creative Good 
> http://www.creativegood.com
> 212.736.2075 
> NEW: Download our paper on the wireless customer experience (free)
> http://www.creativegood.com/wireless/
> Check out our fall conference:
> October 11-12, San Francisco
> http://www.ecustomerexperience.com
Received on Tue Sep 26 20:15:25 2000