Juergen Specht wrote:
> difference between this phone and others. The 'boot time' (the
> moment a phone needs to initialize after switching on) is
> used to show a fancy animation (japanese people and I love
> this) but after that there is NO delay.
Ups, I just read in your newsletter that your company hates
intro pages (especially in Flash), same to me...but a phone
is different. Computer users are at least so computer savvy,
that they can switch on a computer, start a program, connect
to the Internet and enter an URL in the browser...the average
mobile phone user can switch his phone on, can enter numbers,
can call and can choose options from a menu. He (or she) don't
know about 'starting a program' so the user experience is much
more simple: I choose this option and expect an immediately
action on the screen. This immediately action is best shown
by an animation or a graphic. 2 examples:
* You type a number, press the call button and see the
number slowly scrolling by (because it takes some seconds to
connect to the other phone).
* You connect to an (for example) I-Mode site and you see
an animation of a little bird flying around until you have the
Everybody is used to this and it's the magic of a
programmer/designer to hide the initialization of a program
behind immediately optical feedback. If you don't need
initialization because you only jump between static pages,
the immediately feedback is the change of a page.
There are 2 worlds out there: The web and the phones and
user behaviour and user guidance is completly different.
Just my 87,365,465,893,568,358,735,835,374,581,359,016,230,598,615 yen,
Received on Tue Sep 26 06:32:53 2000