Am currently in Japan on business and ran by Yodobashi to check out new
hardware - I saw the Sony PDA and was told by the salesperson that it
comes with an adapter for iMode. Has anyone on this list bought/used the
PDA with the an iMode phone? Would like to hear your experience. Was
told it will not read email but serves as modem link for other ISP mail.
He mentioned that not all ISP's will work - did say AT&T would work.
On side note salesperson claimed that Japanese version of PDA would
support English apps - is that true?
Kerry Reuer, Director of Business Development
PictureIQ Corporation
1100 Olive Way, Suite 1270, Seattle, WA 98101
Tel: 206-628-5222 ext 212
Fax: 206-628-7373
Cell: 206-295-9870
Received on Thu Sep 14 00:34:29 2000