(keitai-l) Re: tsutaya ads

From: Jonathan Shore <jshore_at_e-shuppan.com>
Date: 09/04/00
Message-ID: <FOEBIKDLMFBGOKGGBGDEOELMCEAA.jshore@e-shuppan.com>
From:Jonathan W. Anderson [jon_anderson@bmcmedia.com]
>First off, since I am in the advertising industry, I'll admit I have a bias
in favor of
>advertising (be it banners, sponsored content, coupons, etc; there is more
>just banners although they steal the limelight) in this discussion.

>One year down the road, when W-CDMA rolls out and DoCoMo drops the packet
>fees to compensate for the increased bandwidth (whatever we may actually
>will watching a banner be that costly?  Does the average user today even
>what each banner costs because of those packet fees?  Or are they just
>away blissfully unaware?

I'm generally in favor of advertising to support content - it's a necessary
part of my business also.  However what are the biggest premiums on imode:

*	latency / bandwidth
*	cost of bandwidth
*	screen real-estate (my biggest issue)

keitai-based advertising violates all of these sensitive areas.  Granted
bandwidth will increase and cost of bandwidth may go down, we are still left
with the screen real-estate problem and perhaps the latency issue.  I would
not mind receiving a even full screen advertisement if the cost of receiving
advertising is zero and the latency cost is almost zero and I could switch
to the desired content in an instant.

As an aside, does anyone know whether imode devices query all outstanding
image hrefs on a page in parallel or sequentially?  This would affect the
latency of page loading.


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