(keitai-l) cell phone email identities (was: Re: Re: Phone Number Transmission when conneting with iMode)

From: Andrea Hoffmann <ah_at_anima.de>
Date: 08/28/00
Message-ID: <39AA6B18.58A5DEF1@anima.de>

> If there is a simple chance only to have a "similar" looking 
> address, you can get a lot of really private mails.


> Email standards are really, really old and based on trust.
> And this time you can not trust anybody anymore, right? ;)

apropos, what if somebody would have taken renfield@docomo.ne.jp 
before Ren realised that it's available again?

Reminds me a little bit on domain napping. Maybe we should 
try and get docomo@docomo.ne.jp, mori@docomo.ne.jp and 
pokemon@docomo.ne.jp etc. before they are all taken :)

But seriously, sooner or later we'll really need digital 
signatures on our cell phones. 

If somebody calls me from a phone, I can generally tell by 
the voice if the person is really the person he/she claims 
to be if I know that person. 

But what if I get an email from a phone, like from 
renfield@docomo.ne.jp, in reality it could be somebody 

I might not be able to tell the difference, even if I 
actually know Ren and his docomo email address - since 
he just might have changed it three minutes ago. 

The other person could even say, hey, I just changed my mail 
address, but it's really me, so tell me this and that secret. 

Ok ok, secrets should not be exchanged via email but who hasn't 
shared some sensitive info via email at least once already? 

Kinda scary...
Received on Mon Aug 28 16:31:40 2000