(keitai-l) Re: Grayscale Colors - at least for P502

From: Jonathan W. Anderson <jon_anderson_at_bmcmedia.com>
Date: 08/16/00
Message-ID: <NEBBIKGJOLBEIPLGKONMAEHPCFAA.jon_anderson@bmcmedia.com>
Hi Andrea,

> Great! How/where did you find this info? And what about 
> the light grey color #EEEEEE?  

Oddly, I had lunch with a friend who used to make webpages
for me right after I asked my question.  There is an i-mode
graphics specialist at his office.  So my friend just checked the
pallete on a GIF this guy created.  But it sounds like each
handset uses a different pallete.  Once I know more, I'll post again.

Received on Wed Aug 16 11:08:39 2000