(keitai-l) Re: CNN on iMode

From: daniel dolan <dan_at_glocom.ac.jp>
Date: 07/04/00
Message-Id: <v04210a06b587582f5574@[]>
I am willing to wager 300 yen that the CNN fee for
accessing entire texts of news stories beginning
August 1 will be 300 yen per month and not per
access, unless Docomo has suddenly changed
their 100-300 yen range monthly fee policy for
official content providers (and CNN is on drugs).

The venerable New York Times adds to the confusion
with a wishy-washy mention of CNN's pricing plans at


> > I know that $2.85 for one CNN access is absurd. But what is a reasonable
> > price?  Paying $2.85 to download and execute a stock trading order would
> > be copacetic with me.
>could it not be that a mistake was made in the article and that the charge
>would be a monthly charge of $2.85, similar to the 300yen or so charged
>monthly by other sites?
>who in their right mind would pay almost $3 for one article that could not
>even be saved/printed/archived easily?
Received on Tue Jul 4 12:10:33 2000