(keitai-l) Re: JPNET = JaPan interNETwork ==> Re: imode

From: daniel dolan <dan_at_glocom.ac.jp>
Date: 07/04/00
Message-Id: <v04210a01b586ed412e81@[]>
The imode report by Eurotechnology costs US$1575.00
for email delivery. There is little on the website's
imode page at no cost beyond the list of contents below.


>Hi guys,
>Just forward a note on an interesting looking report that was posted to
>the jpnet group earlier today. Haven't had time to browse it yet, but
>it looks interesting.
>----- Forwarded message from Gerhard Fasol <fasol@eurotechnology.com> -----
>To: jpnet@egroups.com
>Cc: fasol@eurotechnology.com
>From: Gerhard Fasol <fasol@eurotechnology.com>
>Mailing-List: list jpnet@egroups.com; contact jpnet-owner@egroups.com
>Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2000 18:38:04 +0900
>Subject: JPNET = JaPan interNETwork ==> Re: imode
>Regarding today's email note about the imode-group, maybe
>some of you are interested in our imode report which
>presents an analysis and data about the imode business model,
>traffic statistics etc. You can find details on the following
>website: http://www.eurotechnology.com/imode/
>The content of our imode report is:
>-Executive Summary - imode:  Japan's mcommerce platform
>-latest subscriber numbers
>-The imode concept (1): brand, content, information
>-The imode concept (2): internet, impact on 3G
>-imode's revenue model: commissions, charges, trend
>-Alliance partner sites vs. ordinary imode sites, classes, sectors, trends
>-Traffic statistics by sector
>-i-mode service classes: detailed descriptions and examples
>-i-mode e-mail specifications and pricing model
>-Usage patterns, user statistics, usage statistics
>-Example of one of the most successful strategic partners
>   for premium services: case study, trends
>-Infrastructure/strategic partners for 3G system, handset development
>partners and
>   ordinary makers, system partners
>-Equity partnerships with service providers, trends,
>   examples, ownership examples, case studies
>-Equity partner: case study
>-International Strategy and trends
>-System infrastructure, description, opportunities,
>    data rates: 2G, 3G, geographic coverage
>-Network layers, trends, software trends
>-Handsets: description, examples, trends
>-3G infrastructure and partnerships, trends
>-imode: trends and risk analysis
>-imode's competition: competitive analysis, imode vs. WAP
>imode versus specific competition in Japan
>-NTT DoCoMo, Inc. What does DoCoMo mean?
>    Description of DoCoMo. Trends. Corporate Structure
>-NTT DoCoMo, Inc. Financials.
>If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email
>us at: info@eurotechnology.com
>Best regards,
>Gerhard Fasol
Received on Tue Jul 4 04:23:45 2000