(keitai-l) passwords & J-phone

From: Darren Cook <darrenj_at_flyingcolor.com>
Date: 06/29/00
Message-ID: <395AD3FB.BD5EAD52@flyingcolor.com>
Is there a way to password protect a j-phone site. We've been using the
http Basic authentication (*) with i-mode phones with no problems (and
learnt to use numeric passwords, as letters are so hard to input!), but
j-phone phones give an error.

Is it just not possible, or should I be using a different AuthType?


*: E.g. this Apache config:
<Location /for_imode>
AllowOverride None
Options -Indexes
AuthType Basic
AuthName Testing
AuthUserFile /mypw
require valid-user
Received on Thu Jun 29 07:38:11 2000