(keitai-l) Re: HTTP_USER_AGENT

From: Mika Tuupola <tuupola_at_appelsiini.net>
Date: 06/20/00
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.05.10006201043130.4251-100000@aurinko.taivas.com>
On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, Stuart Woodward wrote:

> Does anyone happen to know if there is a definitive list of HTTP
> "User-Agent" header strings sent by i-mode clients out there somewhere?

	This is from my old post edited a bit:

	- cut -

        The user agent with i-mode phones seem to construct like this:

        "DoCoMo/1.0/" + manufacturer + model [+ "/" + cache]

        Possible models are 501i, 502i and 209i. The future Java enabled
	(KVM) phone will be 503i.

        Manufacturer codes are (are these all?):

                D  = Mitsubishi
                P  = Panasonic (Matsushita)
                NM = Nokia
                SO = Sony
                F  = Fujitsu
                N  = Nec

        The optional cache part can be (default cache size is 5KB):

                c08 = 8KB of cache
                c10 = 10KB of cache
        For example  DoCoMo/1.0/D502i/c10  would be Mitsubishi 502i
        model with 10KB of cache.

Mika Tuupola                      http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/
Received on Tue Jun 20 10:52:46 2000