Imode 2000 char. email capability is built into 502 series but not yet
enabled on backend. 2000 chars will mean scrolling through multiple card
stacks like on WAP phones. I have not heard firm date on deployment. Uh,
----- Original Message -----
From: Andrea Hoffmann <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 3:36 PM
Subject: (keitai-l) limitations when sending mails (newsletters) to i-mode
mobile phones...
> Dear list,
> at the following URL is a short overview of how many
> characters people can send and receive on their mobile
> phones (i-mode, cdmaone, j-sky).
> I think it is escpecially important that i-mode users can
> only receive mails with up to 250 characters so far which
> probably should be kept well in mind when sending mails
> (e.g. newsletters/mail magazines) to mobile phone e-mail
> addresses (I found some i-mode mail magazines today and
> they all limit their content to 250 characters)...
> I read in a Magazine though that from this month on docomo
> will introduce an option where i-mode users can receive up
> to 2000 characters via mail, but they will have to set that
> option manually in their i-mode settings menu (so they also
> have to know about it!) and it seems to be not available yet
> (=its not on my i-mode phone menu yet).
> Does anybody know more about that or even already saw that
> new option working on the phone?
> HTH,
> Andrea
> --
> Anima: Japanese Mobile News Community
Received on Thu Jun 8 09:43:13 2000