Hi all;
Just curious as to the list members residing here in Japan - are
all of you (us?:) iMode users? CDMA1? J-Phone?? With iMode users
at about 7Million? Ezweb somewhere over 2M, and Jphone at... =<1M?
is the distribution of Japan-resident list members about the
I was waiting for the NM502i to be released (due mainly to it's
English menus) but after 2 months of delays/postphonements...
broke down and went with a DDI/IDO CDMA1 (Casio CA303 G's model) -
the Nokia was subsequently released 2 weeks later :). iMode is
where the excitement is, though CDMA1's technology/security
appealed to me more. In retrospect, the performance which
"Digital by Qualcom" label on the back implies isn't as impressive
as Qualcom's actual stock performance over the past year. Not bad,
but not necessarily any better.
Though no access to iMode sites (and no real need, as they are
predominantly Japanese language...) I do have access to ezweb
sites with any of the local essentials I need (weather, news,
etc.) as well as a continually expanding host of foreign sites:
yahoo.mobile, msn.mobile, ABCnews, Telus.mobile (for you
Alberta/BC'ans out there) and a host of others. Some useful, some
a novelty.
I'm interested in other's experiences/comparisons between the 3
services. For all the headaches (or perhaps due inpart to...)
iMode/Docomo had last month regarding service gaffs, iMode email
turn-around seems the fastest - mere seconds as opposed to 1-2
minutes I experience. How about actual congestion. I was unable
to access the ezweb/email last (b/w 10pm and midnight or so) due
to congestion I assume - I've noticed this once or twice before in
the past month. Others with similar experiences? Perhaps if I
change to my local provider's IP addresses instead of ezwebs'...
Related, I just saw the link Mike posted to the Anima web site. I
was of the understanding that as of April, CDMA1 web access was
also packet based, as is iMode; the article states otherwise...
anyone know for sure?
Nnet Internet KK
Received on Tue Jun 6 12:50:35 2000