This is my first message to the keitai-l group. I am generally a passive reader of this group, but decided to speak out after this article. It uses some comments and numbers I provided several months ago on the wireless market several months ago, and makes it sound as if these are current IDC figures. It is extremely outdated to say the least. Please take the quantitative portions with a grain of salt. Kevin$B$KJV?.$7$F$/$@$5$$(B $BAw?.Received on Fri Jun 2 14:26:20 2000com> $B08_at_h(B: cc: (bcc: Kevin Williams/Japan/APAC/IDC) $B7oL>(B: (keitai-l) Citi Wireless Test to Go Global.. This is first posted to the wapgroup mailing list, but I figured lots of people on this list would be interested in it as well: -george ----------------------------------- George Baptista (i-mode)