On Tue, 30 May 2000, Juergen Specht wrote:
> as you see is nobody interested in Keitai's anymore, so how
> about changing the name of the list into "Off-Topic"?
Well I see an OT and then an accidental reply to
it. It's true people should stay in topic but
I think signal-to-noise ratio has been quite good
on the list anyway.
> PS: to go back TO TOPIC, can somebody suggest some more
> serious Keitai-Lists? Thanks.
You can find some lists at:
Maybe somewhere is an list where arent off topic
posts at all (I doubt that however). Good luck.
Mika Tuupola http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/
Received on Tue May 30 17:42:15 2000