This may help: Hideyoshi conquered all of Japan with an army that consisted of
roughly the same number of people that are crammed into the average commuter
Mika Tuupola wrote:
> On Fri, 26 May 2000, Thomas O'Dowd wrote:
> > for a passenger with a pacer. Another thought, is that you have to pretty
> > much admire the way the daily rush hour passangers put up with being
> > pushed and crammed in together and take it every morning. Phones ringing
> True. I must confess it is a bit hard for me to actually
> realize how many people are in the trains during rush hours
> in there. Rush hour in Helsinki means the car traffic just
> stands and there are no seats for everyone in the trams.
> I think this is about the same as light traffic in Tokyo :)
> --
> Mika Tuupola
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Received on Fri May 26 20:21:45 2000