(keitai-l) Re: Mobile phones banned on trains?

From: Juergen Specht <specht_at_meta-list.net>
Date: 05/26/00
Message-ID: <392E6159.815FBD11@meta-list.net>
Mika Tuupola wrote:
>         Still, banning it on a train seems IMO a bit overkill to me.
>         I think people should just be educated how to use their
>         keitai politely. 

Oh, i think you live far away from Tokyo...*everybody* has a mobile
here. An average train transports more than 1500 people at the same
time and at rushhours your ear is very close to the guy or girl
next to you (sometimes only the distance of the thickness of an C305S). 
Even if everybody tries to whisper in their phones, 
it is still loud, because the train doesn't make such an noise like
a train in New York...in NYC they don't need any bans against 
mobiles in trains, because you can not understand somebody or 
even hear (or feel) your mobile there. *)


* If you show a good mobile in NYC there is a chance to get killed 
  for it. That's the reason why New Yorkers carry these oldfashioned
  bone like mobiles with them. **)

** I think i work too much :)
Received on Fri May 26 14:32:20 2000