(keitai-l) Re: Mobile phones banned on trains?

From: Juergen Specht <specht_at_meta-list.net>
Date: 05/26/00
Message-ID: <392E5B94.81778290@meta-list.net>
Mika Tuupola wrote:
> http://www.mainichi.co.jp/english/news/archive/200005/26/news02.html
>         Found the article through Anima: Japanese Mobile News.
>         The article talks about East Japan Railway Co.
>         banning usage of mobile phones while riding on trains.
>         Now, I do understand banning on hospitals and movie theatres
>         etc. But on trains? What is reasoning behind this?
Simple: It disturbs people. There is an commercial in TV
showing an Shibuya Girl talking very loud in her mobile phone
while everybody looked very angry at her until she stops.
It's a new campagne to bring more "quality" in driving trains,
it is also not allowed to sit that you occupy 2 seats, to take
your "razor" with you, to use your walkman very loud, to spit into
the train and so on. Nothing really special.

Received on Fri May 26 14:07:47 2000