There are only about 800,000 wap handsets/ users in Japan..correction- a
press release just came out saying that there were 2 million users for
EZweb services... (compared to i-mode's 6.8 million)
You are not misguided. That couldn't have been an accurate statement
Mika Tuupola wrote:
> Theres an article about Razorfish opening a new office
> in Japan at:
> Interesting note is that they are only talking about
> designing and creating wap services and nothing about
> i-mode. I believe wap is not such a big thing in Japan
> or am I misguided?
> --
> Mika Tuupola
627 Broadway
New York, New York
tel: 917-534-6321
Nina S. Young
Jupiter Communications
Japan Module, Research Associate
627 Broadway, 2nd Floor
New York, New York 10012
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