(keitai-l) Re: OT: S-JIS support?

From: Koji Tanaka <comet_at_fd5.so-net.ne.jp>
Date: 05/04/00
Message-ID: <20000504163533.16400@mail.fd5.so-net.ne.jp>
Mika Tuupola wrote:
>   I remember seeing somwhere a software which enables 
>   to see S-JIS character set on web pages without installing
>   japanese version of windows.

  -- Bit expensive, but allows you to try before purchase.

  -- Just to view websites and text files, this will do.
     Netscape provides a similar service.

  -- General info on handling Japanese charset with win95 system

Also, I think win2k supports 2byte languages, ie., the cd 
contains Japanese fonts.

Received on Thu May 4 19:34:28 2000