Hi Folks,
I work for Jupiter Communications, an Internet market research firm and
I cover Japan..
I am writing a report on access platforms in Japan, and of course,
i-mode will be a main focus.
Could somebody humour me and tell me what sites are on the front menu
level? (I do not have an i-mode phone unfortunately) I cannot believe
that they simply have to fulfill a couple of requirements, to be
official- none of which are monetary...For example, Yahoo! Japan, I am
sure, will not be happy being a 3rd level menu option and will probably
pay the big bucks for more prominent placement..They are quite late in
announcing their mobile strategy ..
Do you know of any i-mode site rankings sites? Also, the most popular
services? (i know bandai's Kyarappa service is incredibly popular-any
Do the subscribers to this mailing list use their i-mode phones mostly
for fun?
If anybody out there runs an i-mode site, I would like to speak with
Thank you very much.
627 Broadway
New York, New York
tel: 917-534-6321
Nina S. Young
Jupiter Communications
Japan Module, Research Associate
627 Broadway, 2nd Floor
New York, New York 10012
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Received on Mon Apr 24 17:31:09 2000