Mika Tuupola wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Srinivas Nimmagada wrote:
> > I am new too. I was wondering if anyone is offering third-party billing
> > and e-commerce services for docomo.
> Yes there is. Check out:
> http://www.edge.co.jp/
> http://www.nikkeibp.asiabiztech.com/wcs/leaf?CID=onair/asabt/fw/99124
> This service uses phone-to funtcion to open a call to automated
> voice response server. Then user enters his / hers credit card
> number using the keypad on the phone.
> The site is only in japanese, so maybe someone who can
> read it can tell us more.
> Credit card system is not as easy to the user as DoCoMo billing
> system is which drops the amount of possible customers. However
> it is a great thing there is an alternative.
Does Docomo have a monopoly on the billing system? big opportunity for a company
to provide merchant solutions like Confinity's http://www.paypal.com for docomo
> --
> Mika Tuupola http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/
Received on Wed Apr 12 15:29:03 2000