Hi, > new article is found. So when any of you find a recent > article somewhere on the net don't hesitate to share it > with the list. 1. DDI-IDO's cdmaOne Roaming Service to Start in Korea, Hong Kong in April http://www.nikkeibp.asiabiztech.com/wcs/leaf?CID=onair/asabt/news/99122 2. Japanese Web Phones Want to Travel http://www.idg.net/servlet/ContentServlet?global_doc_id=163905&page_id=712&content_source_id=5&return_spot=sp14&logger_loc=front_pages%2Fenglish (copy and paste the URL to access the site) 3. A very good and always updated source of information like this is http://www.newsonjapan.com Mata ne, Andrea -- Andrea Hoffmann -- Wireless Product Development andrea_at_girigiri.co.jp --- http://www.girigiri.co.jp/Received on Tue Apr 11 02:12:37 2000