(keitai-l) HTTP/1.0?

From: Mika Tuupola <tuupola_at_appelsiini.net>
Date: 04/06/00
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.05.10004061114070.156-100000@aurinko.taivas.com>

	Am I understanding right from the page above that the
	DoCoMo phones support only HTTP/1.0 protocol? If
	this is true it means DoCoMo phones dont support
	name virtual hosts since they were introduced in

	Could someone who can read japanese confirm this. All
	I see at the page is []HTTP[][][][]  1.0[][][][] so
	I am kind of guessing.

Mika Tuupola                      http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/
Received on Thu Apr 6 11:19:08 2000