- (keitai-l)
- (keitai-l) 257 screenshots of J-Phone games...
- (keitai-l) 257 screenshots: Japan-only fun?
- (keitai-l) 505
- (keitai-l) apologies
- (keitai-l) Archives and search
- (keitai-l) AW: Popular Games & Game Developers
- (keitai-l) AW: QP? mobile-camera-readable barcode-type thing
- (keitai-l) AW: SIM and J2ME
- (keitai-l) BREW in US
- (keitai-l) camera input translation
- (keitai-l) can't send email to AU from YahooBB
- (keitai-l) Chinese characters in Nokia MIdlets
- (keitai-l) Clean Copy - Mobile Kaizen in Japan Seminar Series
- (keitai-l) Clie + Bluetooth + ? = Internet
- (keitai-l) Creating new DoJa UI Components
- (keitai-l) disabling cameras in phones
- (keitai-l) docomo problems in uk
- (keitai-l) DoCoMo to begin 3G int'l videophone service
- (keitai-l) Docomo to discontinue PHS
- (keitai-l) F505i Undocumented Features
- (keitai-l) Friend
- (keitai-l) Gig at Namco mobile...
- (keitai-l) Hacking Java sites
- (keitai-l) I finally bought a 505i....
- (keitai-l) i-mode (Europe) technical evolution
- (keitai-l) i-mode europe screen sizes?
- (keitai-l) IApplication::getParameter
- (keitai-l) Increased i-mode spam?
- (keitai-l) International Mobil Wholesaler
- (keitai-l) J-SH53 software bugs
- (keitai-l) J2me interop event
- (keitai-l) J2ME Practitioner Survey Result
- (keitai-l) JavaPhone testing/rental
- (keitai-l) keitai "dating" law catches first fish....
- (keitai-l) LBS Reprised (Location Based Services)
- (keitai-l) linux and noa files?
- (keitai-l) magnetic induction as bluetooth replacement
- (keitai-l) Max HTML sizes on keitai
- (keitai-l) Media readers and linux
- (keitai-l) mobile games - japan vs international - differences
- (keitai-l) Mobile Kaizen in Japan Seminar Series
- (keitai-l) mobile site billing
- (keitai-l) NEC e606 was 505i
- (keitai-l) No sense: Hutchison 3G locks down A920 3G Symbian phone
- (keitai-l) Nokia 7600
- (keitai-l) Popular Games & Game Developers
- (keitai-l) QP? mobile-camera-readable barcode-type thing
- (keitai-l) recording
- (keitai-l) Request
- (keitai-l) revenues, i-mode unofficial sites
- (keitai-l) SH53 phonebook syncing
- (keitai-l) SIM and J2ME
- (keitai-l) Softbank Buys G-Cluster
- (keitai-l) Sophia Compress?
- (keitai-l) Statistics on i-appli
- (keitai-l) symbian/docomo
- (keitai-l) The Eolas patent
- (keitai-l) Three trying to stop the 3G "haemorragy"
- (keitai-l) URGENT RESPONSE
- (keitai-l) what are existing j2me application?
- 257 screenshots of J-Phone games...
- 257 screenshots: Japan-only fun?
- 505
- apologies
- Archives and search
- AW: Popular Games & Game Developers
- AW: SIM and J2ME
- camera input translation
- can't send email to AU from YahooBB
- Chinese characters in Nokia MIdlets
- Creating new DoJa UI Components
- disabling cameras in phones
- docomo problems in uk
- docomo spam- finally found me
- Gig at Namco mobile...
- Hacking Java sites
- I finally bought a 505i....
- i-appli benchmarks
- i-mode (Europe) technical evolution
- i-mode europe screen sizes?
- IApplication::getParameter
- Increased i-mode spam?
- JavaPhone testing/rental
- LBS Reprised (Location Based Services)
- Location Based Services ?
- magnetic induction as bluetooth replacement
- Marketing some services
- Max HTML sizes on keitai
- NEC e606 was 505i
- No sense: Hutchison 3G locks down A920 3G Symbian phone
- Nokia 7600
- QP? mobile-camera-readable barcode-type thing
- revenues, i-mode unofficial sites
- Sharp GX20
- SIM and J2ME
- Sophia Compress?
- Statistics on i-appli
- symbian/docomo
- Videocalls 10% of FOMA revenue